Class Party and Math work

1. Class party is on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 from 5:30-6:30.  Thank you Ms. Papp for coordinating and all the families that have signed up to bring goodies!
2. Homework (yellow folders) is due back on Fridays, we only had 71% of the class turn in HW on Friday, let's aim for 100% next week! :)

We have been working on addition number stories and sentences in class.

Happenings this week

Oops!  There was a mistake in the Open House packet: Spelling HW starts this week, not January.
The lists for the next few weeks will be comprised of High Frequency (Sight) Words.
Please remind your child that the Yellow Folder must be returned on Fridays and the Tuesday(Brown) folder should be returned on Wednesdays.

All Parent Meeting on Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.
Early Dismissal (12:30) on Friday, September 24, 2010

Renzulli Learning and Explorations

Our class has now been registered to use Renzulli.  Renzulli is a system that has selected hundreds of enrichment activities and other resources specifically geared to your child's interests. In order to find activities that meet your child's interests, you will need to update your child's profile by logging in through the student tab at: .  After you sign in, click on "Profile" and help your child answer a series of questions.  Once all the questions have been answered your child will be able to access activities geared to his/her interests!  Check your email for your child's username and password.

Inside, outside, and how many in all ...
Explorations: the children explored different mathematics materials in rotations.
Making geometric figures on Geoboards
Comparing numbers while playing Top-It

This week's happenings

Happy Eid al Fitr!  Thank you to Lulu, Yusuf, Taha, and Rodayna's families for sharing their celebration with the class and bringing goodies for everyone.  In the haste of dismissal I forgot to thank all the families that collaborated in the effort, my apologies.
Practicing capitalization, punctuation, and spelling with Daily Fix-It
How many times did you roll a 6, a 5,...?  Learning about Outcomes by rolling a die

The Spider and the Bunny!

It was finally our class' turn to go on The Spider!  The kids have been anxiously waiting for Spanish ancillary and we got rained in yesterday :(  They definitely made the most of it today and spent as much time as possible on it.
Let's play Top-It!
Playing Bunny Hop!