Week of April 25th

Our daily schedule this week will be a little off due to the different testing taking place, mainly TAKS. As a result, our ancillary time will be in the morning on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Math: we will work on making equal parts, equal parts of a whole and parts of sets (fractions); we will continue to work on Fact Families

Language Arts: this week we will work on Long i sound made with -ie and -igh, as in pie and high. The genre for this week is Expository Text which tells about real people, places, and events.

In both Math and Language Arts we will continue to practice test-taking strategies.

Planner: we continue learning about natural resources, the environment, our responsibilitiy as inhabitants of the Earth, and how our actions today impact the environment

After reading The Lorax, the children drafted a letter to the Once-ler to express their thoughts about his actions (Sloppy Copy) ...beginning the Writing Cycle ...
After completing their draft, they exchanged letters and had a partner edit ...completed Final Copies have been posted outside our classroom, take a look!
 How much more money do you need to be able to purchase the eraser?
Making Words: we have been busy making words from the letters in one word.  In the example below, thunder is the word that a student wrote in his journal and then found two other words, then the class helped out with the others ...

Week of April 18th

Reminders: All-Parent Meeting on Monday, April 18th at 6:30 p.m.; Picture money is due Thursday April 21st; NO SCHOOL on Friday, April 22nd: Spring Holiday

Homework looks a little different this week because we will not be starting anything new in math or language arts as we will be practicing test-taking strategies

Planner: we continue learning about natural resources, the environment, our responsibilitiy as inhabitants of the Earth, and how our actions today impact the environment in the future

Equal: Ms. Musters' third grade class visited our class to discuss their planner and teach our class about everyone being equal through the Butterfly Project (they also learned more about symmetry)
Look, this is the shape of a cylinder!

Week of April 4th in Pictures

When I Grow Up ...
Working at the Big Book station
Making words at Word Work 2 on the SmartBoard
Listening to a story on the computer
Word Work: practicing the spelling words of the week
Illustrating a poem at the Poetry station
Wasteless Picnic: we all enjoyed a beautiful day, had lunch outside, and examined our lunch containers and trays to see what items could be reused, recycled, or trashed
I can 'recycle' this becuase I can plant the seeds AND put it in a compost bin!!!!
 I can reuse the water bottle!

Week of April 4th

DON'T FORGET: FIELD TRIP TO THE HOUSTON ARBORETUM ON TUESDAY, APRIL 5TH, please send a sack lunch, no lunch kits

LDC: we begin our final 2-week rotation this week

Math: we will work on plane shapes and solid figures

Language Arts: this week we will work on Vowel digraph ea and adding endings.  The genre for this week is Fairy Tales

Social Studies: We continue learning about leaders, their roles, and responsibilities.

Planner: we are starting our new planner this week.  It is entitled How We Share the Planet.  The central idea is that we are connected to the natural world and our actions affect it.  An inquiry into the natural resources (and their by-products) of our planet and sharing and using them.

What happens when you add vinegar to sugar, salt, flour, or baking soda?
What happened to yours?