Thank you to all who helped at our class booth, or in any other capacity, with Spooky Spaghetti. Our booth was definitely a popular one, there was always a line and it was definitely hard work! A special, great big THANK YOU to Sidharth's mom Tina Hsu, her sister, and Ms. Mandel for the great job decorating the booth, it looked awesome!
Thank you to Ms. McGouldrick for the witch pumpkin decoration and Mrs. Jammar for decorating the bulletin board.
Thank you to Ms. Zweidler-McKay and Ms. Salma Farag , in advance, for co-leading this month's Art a la Carte lesson.
Math: We will work on number stories and subtraction this week.
Language Arts: sounds of the week are short o and plural -s.
Planner: we will complete our research this week and will continue looking at different styles of art.
Math Explorations: Top-It, Counting by 2s, Geometrical shapes, and estimating size
Seeing the cool animations available online through the reading program!
Playing Penny-Dice game
Social Studies: after learning about national symbols, the kids put together Old Glory and wrote three facts that they learned.