Week of Nov. 8th

Math: we will work on subtraction facts to 12, including a review of doubles.

Language Arts: sounds of the week are initial blends and short e. We will continue working on sequencing activities and writing.  The children can access our reading program online; login ids and passwords were sent home in the Tuesday folders.  The children have been using a class id during stations and should be able to to login in with little to no help!

Science: we will be discussing rocks, observing them, and sorting them by different attributes.

Planner: we will study masks from different parts of the world and continue "Looking at Art."

Student Led Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, November 17th from 3:00-4:30 in 30 minute slots.  If you have not already signed up please do so.  This is a great opportunity for your child to demonstrate the learning...

Late October, early November in review: