Week of Feb. 7th

Due to the abrupt end to our week last week we did not have the Spelling Test usually given on Fridays so we will take it on Monday, Feb. 7th, and the regularly scheduled one on Friday, Feb. 11th as well.

Math: we will continue working on Measurement: comparing and ordering by area, capacity, weight and temperature

Language Arts: this week we will work on the -ng and -nk consonant patterns

Science: we had a great time working on the Seed Logs, hopefully some of them will actually grow into plants at home, although some were getting stinky :)  The kids took the seeds home on Thursday and many were anxious to plant them!  We will begin learning about animals and their parts

Planner: Community: we will conclude our focus on the different types of communities of which we are members, how they are interconnected, the roles we play and the need satisfied by each

Bash Creation: The final product is on display in the Library's case.  A huge "Thank You!" to Julia's grandmother for all her time and creativity.