Student-led Conferences on Wednesday, December 5th from 3:00-4:30, in 30 minute blocks

If you are unable to come on Wednesday please let me know and we can arrange an alternate day/time.  This is a wonderful opportunity to meet with your child!  The children lead the conference and share goals and work from our completed planners.

Language Arts: this week we will focus on common nouns (teacher, park, ball, snake). We will read A Big Fish for Max.  The genre is Animal Fantasy. The spelling pattern this week is digraphs sh/th and the vowel sound in ball.

Math: we will work on numbers from 11-20 and the hundred chart.

Science: magnetism, soil, and rocks will be our focus over the next weeks.

LDC: we will have a one week rotation this time around

Getting started on the class creation for the Bash!
Practicing math facts with dominoes (part/part/whole)
Planner title: Where We Are in Time and Place
The central idea of our current planner is that a universal pictorial language connects people around the world.  The lines of inquiry are: 1) communicating with symbols, pictures, and gestures; 2) geography and place; and 3) symbols and patterns and problem solving in math.

The children created the US flag, a national symbol, and wrote about what each part of the flag represents.
Our 'new' student :)  Ainsley, Jackson's little sister
 We went on a 'Signs Hunt' around the school
Some signs were not inside so we went on a 'mini-field trip'
Art a la Carte: Mr. and Mrs. Loffredo led this month's lesson!