I'm Happy to be Me!

I'm happy to be me! Working on the self-portraits.

Here are a couple of completed works!

Free Dress Day 8/28/09

Hi Parents, last minute announcement: tomorrow is FREE DRESS day! Also, as noted in the school calendar, Open House for our grade is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. This is strictly for parents so please make arrangements for the kiddos.

Volunteer opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities: There are sign-up lists posted outside our classroom which are specific to our class. There is one for Room Parents (thank you Mrs. Gaston for volunteering already!), with several openings, and another for Miscellaneous posts such as Bash, Field Day, Class directory, etc. Please consider volunteering to represent our class in one of these posts, it will be greatly appreciated!

Classroom ABCs

What is the first letter of your first name? Anthony, Austin, & Alaina; next comes Bailey! We took pictures of the class, grouped by the first letter of their first names, our very own ABCs!
The 'first day' packets went home with your child today. Please fill out the different forms and return as soon as possible!
Volunteer Opportunities: There are sign-up lists posted outside our classroom which are specific to our class. There is one for Room Parents (thank you Mrs. Gaston for volunteering already!), with several openings, and another for Miscellaneous posts such as Bash, Field Day, Class directory, etc. Please consider volunteering to represent our class in one of these posts, it will be greatly appreciated!

Summer trip

We went to Washington D.C. in late July and visited all the major sights. Here we are at The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The changing of the guard is such an awesome tradition and so touching!