Report cards!!!

Report cards were sent home today. Please sign and return. I will send back a copy home with your child upon receipt of the signed copy.

Space Experts visit our class

Third grade recently finished a planner on space. Since our class is studying the space community it was a great opportunity for our class to collaborate with another grade level. A group of students from Ms. Musters' 3rd grade class made a presentation about the solar system. It was a great learning experience and lots of fun!

Picture & Math Activities

Picture day is scheduled for Monday, March 29th! You can send a change of clothes for your child if you want their picture taken in clothes other than a uniform.

The children have been getting a lot of math practice measuring, talking about attributes, measuring, clocks, and two and three dimensional shapes.

Our week to lead the school's announcements!

It was our class' turn! The kids did a great job! Everyone had a chance to be a part of the activities, all the jobs were important and crucial to the smooth (mostly) flow of the routine. Please congratulate your child on a job well done!