Inspired by Georgia O'Keefe

Georgia O'Keefe inspired art on PhotoPeach

Museum of Fine Arts Field Trip

Making our way to the Beck Building!
Taking notes in the Art Logs while the docent discusses Georgia O'Keefe's artistic style.
Silliness at the conclusion of the trip!
The silliness continued through lunch! We made the best of the day since our plans were literally 'rained' on!

The kids enjoyed creating structures with the base-10 blocks during Indoor Recess.

Opera to Go: Hansel and Gretel

On Wednesday morning, we were all treated to a wonderful production of Opera To Go's "Hansel and Gretel." The children were mesmerized by the performance!


The children have been learning about measuring over the last two weeks. This week, they used tape measures to estimate each others' heights and measured around different parts of their bodies: wrist, elbow, head, ankle, etc. Of course, their observations were recorded in their workbooks.

Student Led Conferences

The children rehearsed for the Student Led Conferences with a couple of their classmates. Thank you to all that were able to make it. The children were really proud to show you their work! If you were unable to come on Wednesday, please feel free to schedule another time, you can even do it first thing in the morning. It should take only about 15 minutes.

Pop Art

The class working on Pop Art inspired by Andy Warhol. Check out the finished pieces in the "Gallery" outside our classroom. I've heard many spectators complement the works of art!

This week

100% PTO Membership!!!!
What a great accomplishment for our class! Thank you ALL for becoming members of the PTO. As a small reward, our class will be treated to pizza on Tuesday afternoon. Please let me know of any food allergies, ASAP.

LDC: we have LDC for the next two weeks. We will go straight from Ms. Diaz' room to the cafeteria at dismissal so please meet us there, except for Tuesday, 11/10 (PIZZA!)

Student-Led Conferences: these will be held on Wednesday, 11/11, from 3:00-4:30. If you haven't signed up for a time yet please check the schedule posted on the class bulletin board for available times.

Upcoming: Barnes & Noble Book Fair 11/16 & 11/17; Juvenile Diabetes Walk 11/20

Handwriting, Domino Top-It, and Calendar

Even though we had early dismissal today we managed to pack in lots of learning. The kids played Domino Top-It, which helps reinforce their addition skills; practiced their handwriting, went through the daily calendar routine, and more math... Ask your child how many days they have been in school, or what the weather was yesterday, today, and what it might be tomorrow. All the children will have an opportunity to be the Calendar Helper and lead the class in this activity for an entire week.

Jackson Pollock Inspired Art

The children learned about American artist Jackson Pollock today. Afterwards, they all created their Pollock-style art. It is amazing how different they all turned out and they all had the same colors on the palettes. As you can probably tell, some will take a few days for the paint to dry!