Classroom Social & Spooky Spaghetti

Hi Everyone,
Our Classroom Social is scheduled for Wednesday, October 7th from 5:30-7:00 pm. The entire family is welcome. It is a potluck dinner, everyone brings something to eat, and a great opportunity to get to know the other families. I hope you will join us!

If you have any questions please contact Colleen Kearns or Ginger Gaston, the lead class parents. They have done a great job putting this together for us. Thank you ladies!

We need volunteers for our class's Spooky Spaghetti booth on October 24th. Thank you Ms. Choi for signing up! Two volunteers are needed for every shift, 1 hr. Please look at your schedules and consider helping out! The sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board.

Classroom Materials - Rest in Peace

Our class sharpener suffered an untimely demise late last month, it was only 1 1/2 months old! We were very sad because the manual sharpeners just do not do as good of a job. A big THANK YOU! to Peter's family for providing the class a replacement.
Wow, look at the expansion to our classroom library! This was made possible with the orders that you placed. Filled book orders went home today.

Upcoming Week & Math Homework Change

This week will be very busy:
1) We are scheduled for LDC from 2:00-2:45 for the next 2 weeks. If you usually pick up your child in the atrium please wait for us in the cafeteria.
2) We start a new planner this week: How We Express Ourselves. This is an extremely fun and creative planner (aka the Art Planner). I will be posting a needs list of specific art supplies that we will need for the duration of the planner. We will be learning about Picasso, Monet, Matisse, and Van Gogh, to name just a few.
3) Book orders arrived late last week and will be distributed on Tuesday.
4) Homework and Tuesday folders will go home tomorrow.
5) School pictures on Thursday, Oct. 1
6) Math Homework Change: beginning this week, Math homework will go home on Mondays. It will be included with the Spelling homework and Reading Log in the Yellow Folder. This change is necessary because Math homework was not making its way back to the classroom the next day. The entire homework package will be due back on Fridays. Hopefully, this will make it easier for everyone to remember to turn it in. Please remember that the homework (Home-Links) goes along with specific lessons and should not be completed in one evening.

Progress Reports, Homework, & Tuesday folders

Progress Reports went out today. Please sign and return no later than Wednesday, September 30th, the earlier the better! When I receive the signed report I will provide you a copy for your records.

There were two Math Home-Links for homework today, please return these tomorrow.

Tuesday Folders need to be returned on Wednesday, we only have 13 that were returned today and 2 that were not returned last week. This is a very important way for the school to communicate with you and it makes it more difficult to get the information out to everyone when these are not returned. Please make it a point to return them on Wednesdays.

Time and Timelines

We've been talking about time. Why is it important to know the time? ... the date? etc.

Pennies for Peace

First grade is collecting ... Pennies for Peace ... Last year 1st grade decided to participate in the Pennies for Peace program and raised a little over $600!!! We are doing it again this year!

We read Listen to Wind and the kids today loved hearing the story and learning all about Greg Mortenson's mission to promote peace one school at a penny at a time.

One boy very proudly opened his backpack and pulled out a penny that he had found! The children have been bringing sandwich bags with pennies and proudly dumping them into our class collection (it is HUGE so I think I will get another one so that we can see more progress, it is not our goal to fill this one but the size is just so daunting!).

Taking Notes during the Listening Walk

After reading Listen Buddy, a book about a bunny that always gets things wrong because he doesn't listen, the class went on a Listening Walk. They took notes in their journals as we walked throughout the school. They were amazed at all the things they heard when they put their listening ears on and kept magnificently quiet as we walked the hallways of Mark Twain! It was pretty awesome to see!

Open House

Open House 9/15/09 from 7:00-8:00 p.m, adults only!

Good Manners Garden

The children worked on their Good Manners Garden. They have beautiful flowers like "Thank You," "Please," "Excuse Me," and a few others. The garden is in full bloom!

Math Explorations

The kids 'played' all morning on Wednesday, they explored Geoboards, Base Ten blocks, Pattern blocks and they also learned how to play the Penny-Dice Game. What a fun morning!!! Yes, did a little learning: how to work cooperatively in groups!

Filling our buckets

Here are our buckets! They fill up little by little as we do kind and nice things for others.

Journal Help

I have posted a calendar on the bulletin board so that you can sign up to help with Journal. We only need one volunteer per day and any help is greatly appreciated! The children write in their journals daily from 8:00-8:25; please consider volunteering.

Sight Words

The children have been practicing their sight words (high frequency) in class. First they work on a sight word poem then they write their own sentences using the sight word of the day.

The Kindness Quilts

These are some examples of the kindness quilts created in class.
We've been discussing ways to show kindness to others and also how helping someone or doing something nice 'fills their bucket and ours too!' Ask your son/daughter to do something to fill your bucket, you'll be pleased!

Can You Find the Hidden Numbers?

Can you see our hidden numbers? Look very closely, there's an 8, a 4, a 3, and a 9!

Tuesday folders & Homework

Parents, just a reminder that the Tuesday folders (brown) have replaced the Red Folders from prior years. Please return the folders on Wednesday, it's easier to remember to return them the next day!

Spelling tests will be administered on Fridays. Your child's homework packet has two lists, he/she should be working on the list number that was circled. This is based on a pre-test usually given on Mondays. We work on the basic spelling words, and sight words, during the week.

Reading should be recorded daily on the Reading Log and returned in the yellow folder, along with Spelling homework, every Friday.

Hi! I'm on top of the world!

Yeah!! Friday was our first day on the spider! The kids were anxiously waiting their turn to play on the spider. To prevent overcrowding, the class that goes to Spanish ancillary gets to play on the spider. It seemed like they had to wait forever!