Dismissal procedure

Dear Parents:
In order to ensure a safe and orderly dismissal and so that we can account for every child, we respectfully ask all children in grades 1 through 5 be picked up from the cafeteria only. Kindergarten parents may pick up at the classroom at 2:45. If you arrive at school before 2:45, you must get a visitors’ badge from the front office and wait for your children in the cafeteria, front rotunda, or outside unless you are going to Kindergarten at 2:45.
This will ensure that teachers know the whereabouts of all children at all times. Thank you for helping us keep your children safe.

John Baker
Mark Twain Elementary


Welcome to first grade!!! We have one week of first grade under our belts, it's gone by so fast. We have been extremely busy learning about each other, learning new rules and procedures, learning about numbers and graphs, writing in journals, etc. It has been quite exciting!

Please feel free to email me at dnathan1@houstonisd.org with any questions.

Below is a small sample of a few things we did this past week.