Welcome to our first week in First Grade!

We had a great first week!  The activities were planned so that we can get to know each other and become a class community.  The children shared their summer activities, made a 'house,' drew a portrait of their family, and drew self-portraits.  Below are some pictures of the children at work :)

This week: Homework will be sent home on Monday, in the yellow folder, and is due back on Friday.  It will include Spelling and Math practice, along with a reading component.  This week the Spelling homework will consist of high frequency words review and numbers to 12 will be the focus of Math.  There will be a spelling test on Friday morning.

We continue working on the Who We Are planner and reviewing the PYP profile and attitudes.  In Science we will focus on the senses.

The children worked on making patterns.
My house: the children made rooms for their houses in which they included things about themselves.
We had Recess indoors on Thursday due to rain.  Some of the activities were puzzles, free drawing, and PBS kids
Our Calendar Leader and Calendar Helper leading the class in the daily routine
Working on Self-portraits, follow-up to "Happy to be Me!"