Week of March 7th


FIELD DAY: FRIDAY, MARCH 11TH from 8:30-11:00!

Math: we will be working on Place Value, focusing on tens and ones

Language Arts: this week we will review inflected -ed and continue discussing verbs (am, is, are, was, and were).  The spelling test will be on Thursday due to Field Day.

Social Studies: important people in history like Lincoln, Bell, and Edison

Planner: we have been working on building a foundation on Matter and will now begin some fun experiments like observing a solid change into a liquid and making a liquid turn into a solid as well as a chemical change


The kids  worked on addition facts
Station work: Vocabulary
More addition facts
Matter Scavenger Hunt: the kids had to find matter with specific properties
The kids drafted a letter by using an organizer
Then they edited each other's work