Young chemists at work!

The kids selected members from their tables to take different roles in the experiment.  They also decided the order in which they would work.  They began by feeling the solids and liquids then mixing the 'unlabeled' ingredients and observed as changes began to occur...
 The matter started changing as they took turns mixing the ingredients, they counted the number of stirs :)
 They waited their turn as they counted and observed, trying to predict what and why they were doing this!
 Patiently waiting for something to happen to the matter and discussing ...
 A couple of teams encountered problems and we brainstormed what could have gone wrong and tried to fix the 'matter' based on the hypothesis
 After mixing with a spoon for a while, it was time to get dirty!
 Is this what is supposed to happen?
 Hooray!!!  We did it! We made playdo!!!!